2 Benefits Of Becoming A Nurse Practitioner Preceptor

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If you are a nurse practitioner who has practiced for many years and are esteemed in your field, you may have been approached about becoming a preceptor. Instead of taking on a classroom teaching position, a preceptor allows you to work with new practitioners to help them learn and grow in a clinical setting.

Besides looking good on your resume, there are many more rewards that come with becoming a preceptor. Below are just a couple of the benefits of going through a program that allows you to become a nurse practitioner preceptor.

1. Helps You Further Develop Interpersonal Communication Skills Related to Leadership and Teamwork

One benefit of becoming a preceptor for budding nurse practitioners is that it helps you further develop your interpersonal communication skills, When working with one or more new practitioners, you will need to take on a leadership role alongside your teaching responsibilities by relegating tasks and motivating your students.

Since collaboration and working together are key skills when working in the medical field, you will learn more about working as a team while teaching these skills. The growth of your own communication skills will help you work better with colleagues as well as help provide better, more comprehensive care for your patients.

2. Exposes You to Fresh Perspectives and Knowledge While Satisfying Some of Your Continuing Education Requirements

Another benefit of becoming a preceptor is that it exposes you to fresh perspectives and knowledge. When new practitioners are fresh out of school, they will have increased motivation to learn as well as bring knowledge of new theories and techniques that you can incorporate into your own practice.

With the increased knowledge base and learning from being a preceptor, the opportunity will be considered a valuable addition to your practice and satisfy some of your continuing education requirements. The program administrator and your state board can help you find out more about how many of these requirements will be fulfilled when you become a preceptor.

Along with helping you develop key interpersonal communication skills and allowing you to satisfy your continuing education requirements, becoming a preceptor for new nurse practitioners gives you a chance to mold the future of your profession. Working with eager new practitioners also helps you rekindle your passion. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits and requirements, contact an educational institution that offers a nurse practitioner preceptor program.
